Beautiful pics of Sommer Ray and Sof a Vergara feet & legs

Sofia Margarita Vergara Vergara has lived in Barranquilla since when she was just a kid. Margarita davila Vergara-Vergara Vergara used to be an artisan at home. Julio Enrique Vergara Robayo is her father. He raises cattle for the meat industry. There are five siblings. She studied at a private, bilingual Spanish/English high school. After that, she went on to pursue dental school and then become a pre-dentist. Sofia was found by a cameraman at the beach. She began work in modeling and television. When she was 23 she worked as modeling on runways. From 1995 to 1998, she hosted the travel show Fuera de serie (1995) and gained her public recognition across the US. Big Trouble (2002) was her first movie role. Gloria Delgado Pritchett was the part that led her to become an established star on Modern Family, an American TV show (2009). Between 2010 and 2013, she was awarded four Emmy nominations as Outstanding Supporting Actress for a Comedy Series. Sofia resides in Los Angeles, California with her son, Manolo. Sommer Ray, born on the 15th of September, 1996 is an American fitness model who is also a YouTube star. She's well-known on the internet and has been a winner of several fitness and bodybuilding contests. She has more than 25,000,000 Instagram followers. Ray is famous on Instagram due to her video content regarding fitness and health. Larkspur is a home rule municipality in Douglas County, Colorado, United States. In the 2010 census the population was estimated to be about 206. There is a Colorado Renaissance Festival takes place in the nearby hills every year on the weekends of June, July, and in August. Sommer confessed in a YouTube video Q&A she was a bodybuilder between the ages between 16 and 18. Her dad is also a bodybuilder and they often worked out together. Your Morning reported that her first competitive event was together with her mother.

pics Sophia Bush feet & legs pics Sommer Ray a feet & legs pics Sommer Ray b feet & legs pics Sommer Ray c feet & legs pics Sommer Ray e feet & legs pics Sommer Ray f feet & legs pics Sof a Vergara g feet & legs pics Sof a Vergara h feet & legs pics Sof a Vergara i feet & legs pics Sof a Vergara j feet & legs


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